Politics or No Politics? | Opinion

I am a neutral person; I don’t belong to any political party. Politics is all about creating hate about each other. Politicians are the most hated persons on earth. Politicians are corrupt and all evil is rooted in being a politician. I want to create positivity. I want to serve my society without being a politician. Students should not be political. They should focus on their education. These are few lines you may ever come across with a self-proclaimed genius and sensible person. An art of a political gathering However, better sense should prevail. I agree however, that many of the above lines may be true with particular regard to certain regions such as that of Pakistan, but again that is also a result of lack of interest in politics among the general masses. No matter where you grow up, you are always at the mercy of politicians. For until and unless the lust of power prevails in human psyche, there will always be politics around you. Let’s Refine our Perspective ...