Three (03) Forms of Writing- Know the Difference among Creative Writing, Content Writing, and Copywriting

Three forms of writing poster. Forms include Creative Writing, Content Writing, and Copywriting

No doubt, writing is an art, which comes through practice and patience. The most important criterion for falling under a writer category is "The will to write"

Remember? "Where there is will, there is the way"

Then comes observation and analytical skills.

This art exists in various forms around us. I will elaborate three major forms mostly seen and talked about.

Creative Writing (CW)

CW is a form of writing to entertain or aware people. It is purely the creation of head and heart. It includes stories, novels, poems jingles and even essays or opinions. It is the oldest form of writing yet available to us with increasing demand.

It is mostly written for traditional media i.e. Newspapers, Magazines, Books etc.

One to note is that, a creative writer does not need to possess a marketing mind i.e they rarely consider their readers' ease and preferences, which have changed due to digital media.

The other two forms of writing are more close to the field of marketing.

Content Writing

Content writing is also meant to aware and entertain people, but it is purely based on the readers' preferences and ease.

Content provided is simple, to the point, easy to understand yet thoroughly discusses all key points and provides a link if needed.

It is all time friend of digital media. It emerged with the emergence of digital media.

Website owners, and bloggers use this form of writing.

The purpose is to increase website visitors and retain them by providing useful content and workable headlines.


Copywriting is a form of writing specifically used for advertising and generating sales.

The writers specialise in conveying an ad message in few yet attention grabbing words.

It existed before digital media, and is yet being used with few shifts in techniques being used. Specially trends and memes.

I hope this was meaningful and worth reading, was it? Let me know.


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