Islam, Muslims and the Concept of being a Muslim in 21st Century
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What comes in your mind when you realize that someone is a Muslim? Do your understanding of a Muslim depends upon culture or regional environment?
What is my point to raise such a questions?
My point is to tell you that most probably you will think something like below when you encounter a Muslim,
That he believes in offering five-time prayers, that he believes in fasting in the month of Ramadan, that he believes in heaven and hell etc. You are not wrong. Yes, if you are an Indian or somewhere form the west, you somehow will link Muslims with terrorism, violence creating creatures.
I must say here that you may have known an updated version of a Muslim.
What made the concept of being a Muslim in this way?
Why we (Muslims) have to point in the past for our Excellency? Why the concept of Muslim Ummah has gone worse?
After having so many preachers across the globe, why we have not attained our unity as a single Ummat?
To answer all these questions, I am here to point out a few major faults which we, as a whole have committed for so many years, and still, we continue to practice those very often.
Holy Scriptures and Muslims
First and foremost, we, as individuals, have kept ourselves away from the scriptures of Islam. We never bother to think of reading the Quran with translation and Tafseer and Ahadees too. Allah says in the Quran that,
Allah ki rassi ko mazbooti se thame rakho, or tafarqe mein na paro.
But we have decided ourselves into many sects and believe that other sects are wrong. Being divided into sects is not worse than being divided and hating each other. If only we had attached ourselves with our holy scriptures we would not have been so hostile even with our own faith's people. We have considered that the duty to remain updated with the holy scriptures is confined to Ulemas and preachers and then we blame them to lead us hostile. Why we have started depending upon others to guide us?
The preachers and Muslims
Before I say something, I must put it clear that I respect religious people, but I have some reservations.
All around the world, why we see many religious people being so narrow-minded that they start hating those who do not offer prayers, or fast in the month of Ramadan. Now this is something purely a matter of people and Allah, and we are not to judge people on the basis of this, what we are guided is to argue with them decently and logically. Because that is the way of my beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
The problem lies with the preachers.
All around the world, we see preachers preaching the prayer side of Islam, which is a must, but what they forgot to preach is the Ethics of Islam. the ethics, which made my beloved Prophet (SAW) the Saadiq o Ameen. the ethics that is the beauty of Islam.
Today, you will not see preachers at Jummah congregation guiding people that wrong parking will be irritating for others, that, do not block the passage of someone offering prayers in front of you. These little things are a part of everybody's life which irritates us. And Islam does not guide us to be a source of irritation for someone.
While the basic teachings of Islam remained the same, the concept of being a Muslim has changed.
Should you have an additional point, any criticism, any suggestion please feel free to comment, criticize but avoid to be personal.
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