Policy Inconsistency in Pakistan


At cursory level, it seems our rulers are not competent enough to formulate pro people policies. They do not seem to be qualified enough to lead us and so the argument that people provide is to bring forward some learned people at key positions. But, we have had learned people at key positions in both elected as well as military governments. What is more, we have also seen some good policy decisions in our chequered history. The reason we have failed to progress at a desired rate is that we continuously fail to be consistent in our policies. A good policy in one government is not followed with the same zeal and sometimes even completely discarded in other government. The reason they do this is because the credit to continue with the policy will not go to their government. There is also a reason why each successive government repeats this cycle of stupidity. The reason being, policies are not formulated with consensus but composed and imposed without much debate. And hence, the incoming government does not find it significant enough to continue with the same policy. Not only that, if a policy has much public acceptance, the incumbent government just renames the policy so to gather support without losing sense. The lack of consensus building during policy formulation is because the parties do not see each other as competitors competing for the public support for doing good work in terms of governance, but rather they rank each other as who is more loyal to the military establishment. Therefore, they do not give a damn about opposition parties. Unfortunately, we the public is suffering much due to their game of thrones.


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